Saturday, October 30, 2010

End of the season games!

The EAGLES FINAL GAME!!!! Their coach flew in from Mexico to watch them win! They started at the goal post for a little, "ALWAYS HIT, ALWAYS HIT, NEVER QUIT, NEVER QUIT, 123 EAGLES!!!!!!
So started the domination of their last game. They won 14-0, what a way to end a great season. They went out 7-2! So proud of Dylan playing his very first season of tackle football. He had a great coach and awesome parents who cheered, encouraged and never went psycho onto the field. Always a plus, wouldn't you say? :-)

Elaina and Grandma had fun hanging!

Dylan runs onto the field during the first quarter. GO TOWER OF POWER! Grant relaxes!

Pushes the defender out of the way so his teammate can run through the hole.

Half time pep talk! They were winning 6-0 at that point.

Dylan played Wide Receiver.....

Talks and Huddles help to know what to do and where to fill the gaps.

The Eagles win 14-0!!!! Good sports even shake the refs hands after every game. Jim helps him take off his equipment so they can return it to the city.

Elaina and Grant face each other once again! Elaina was psyched for this encounter as she encouraged each one of her teammates to flatten her brother. Last time Grant's team won and unfortunately it was the same this time as well. We were hoping Elaina would get one chance to womp him, but they both did AWESOME! Pastor Joel and Miss Nikki, Me-Maw, Grandma, Mommy and Daddy were there to watch and cheer. What a great game. The score was tied for the first three quarters 0-0. Grant's team normally scored 3 times by then so they were both doing well.

Elaina had a defensive power kick to stop the ball from going into the goal. GO BUG!!! Grant answers right back with an offensive pass kick to a teammate.

After the game they went through the tunnel of love to celebrate their win. Grant shows his teams "power" over his sister as he takes the funny picture for his victory.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Keuka Lake, NY!!!!

Elaina and Daddy enjoying the view as we ate lunch at a Mansion! God does amazing work.

Dylan and Great Grandpa Hewitt go kayaking.

The boys LOVED their first time inner tubing on Uncle Gary's boat.

Ma-Maw enjoys sipping sweet tea while Lanie poses for the camera.

Dock jumping was the best. They did this for hours.

Grant's SUPERMAN pose!

We had the awesome opportunity to go up to Keuke Lake in NY and stay for five days at a cottage that Jim's aunt and uncle own. It was so much fun to see the kids jump off the dock into the lake.
MOST days it was frrreeezzzziinnnggg....but the kids didn't mind too much. They did crazy poses in the water as they wore their life jackets and used kayak's for the first time on their own.
It was so beautiful to be able to sit on the dock at night and enjoy seeing stars. We don't get that privilege in Virginia too often.
No cell coverage, no electronics, just us and nature. We played a lot of card games and board games. We visited pottery shops in the area and ate at a Mansion while we were there.
The kids have already talked about going back next year. SO thankful for these times together as a family.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Sports Time!


We finally understood how the Manning family feels as Grant's and Elaina's teams played against each other last week. We were so proud of both of them as they did a great job, but boy was it hard to go home knowing one would win and the other would lose. Grant's team won it 4-1, but they were both great sports!